

-(中文版本往下滑!) 2 powder products for covering dark circles and tear troughs. @holikaholika_official single eyeshadow in the shade softie is a shade with slightly orange in it, which can correct the under eye darkness a bit. It cannot be used alone, for your under eyes will be super orange. After applying this shade, I will add @canmaketokyo plumpuku coordinate eyes palette 02 ‘s lightest shade to my tear troughs, to lift up the under eye. Do you use powders to cover under eyes? Lmk in the comments down below:) Details 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 眼下粉狀遮瑕爆紅產品! 遮黑眼圈以及淚溝的粉狀產品 不用懷疑就是這兩位~ Canmake臥蠶盤01 被燒到超級久,終於輪到我分享 淺色那個提亮淚溝效果真的不錯 我在holika holika 單色眼影softie 之後使用 遮瑕力比礦物粉底的遮瑕粉更高 不過持久力度的話普通 也可能是因為我下面已經疊粉狀產品了~ 有淡淡的光澤 其他部分用來畫眼影也是清淡日常的妝容 holika holika 單色眼影softie 顏色帶有橘感可以校正黑眼圈顏色 單用在眼下會橘橘的需要控制用量 顏色偏深一點膚色白皙的朋朋可能要看看合不合適 眼妝照片👉👉👉 歡迎跟我分享你們也有買這兩盤嗎! 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 #10月POPO創作者分享

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