

-(中文版本往下滑!) @bioheal.boh_official is a niche Korean skincare brand based on bio-dermatology. It’s my first time trying out their products! ▫️Probioderm 3D Lifting Cream Mist A milky white spray that looks like lotion! It separates when left still, but after shaking it becomes white. The bottom layer is a watery essence, while the top layer is a creamy lotion. The scent is a pleasant honey-like fragrance. It feels moisturizing with a slight stickiness. ▫️Collagen Essence Sun Cream The lotion-like texture blends beautifully into the skin. This is the best and most natural skin-tone-enhancing sunscreen I’ve ever seen. After applying, it has a subtle pink hue and brightening effect. It provides a natural glow and moisture. It has pore-blurring capabilities. Highly recommended for healthy skin, but not for super sensitive skin. It works well for reducing yellow undertones. ▫️ Collagen volume lip balm It comes with a silicone spatula. The fragrance is strong and rich, feels very oily and thick when applied, with some resistance. I found the taste to be slightly bitter, but my family didn’t notice any bitterness. It gives a cooling sensation when applied to the lips and provides a glossy, glass-like finish. Even sensitive lips prone to lip dermatitis can use it without any issues. Video clips 👉👉👉 What k beauty products have you bought recently? Lmk! Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - BIOHEAL BOH 是以生物皮膚學為基礎的韓國小眾保養品牌 開箱這次嘗試的東東! #益生菌抗皺緊緻噴霧 第一次看到像乳液一樣乳白色的噴霧! 靜置會分層搖晃均勻後會變成白色 下面是水精華上面是奶油乳霜 香味是好聞的花蜜香 有保濕感輕微粘膩 #益生菌膠原蛋白美白養膚防曬 含有77%的高含量護膚成分 像乳液一樣的質地很好的融入肌膚 是我看過融入肌膚最好最自然的潤色防曬產品 推開後顏色帶有一點淡淡的粉色 有提亮的感覺 帶有自然光澤的保濕度 單用是需要定妝的 有毛孔修飾能力 健康肌膚的人真的大推 超級敏感肌不推薦 去黃的效果不錯 #益生菌膠原蛋白豐盈護唇膏 很貼心的有附一個矽膠挖杓 玻璃瓶身也很有份量感 香味濃郁 富含4種膠原蛋白 推起來油潤感很強是膏狀有阻力的 我吃起來的味道苦苦的但給家人測試不會苦 上唇起來有涼感 呈現玻璃感的光澤 有過唇炎的敏感唇使用沒問題👌 影片👉👉👉 謝謝 @timobeauty_kr 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 #10月POPO創作者分享

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