

-#文末抽獎 已截止 I love my first pic😎! It’s a texture shot! And @kundal.official is a Korean hair care brand! I’m introducing 2 of their products for today! ✔️Honey & macadamia hydro-intensive protein premium hair treatment (in the scent baby powder) This scent is super strong! If you love the scent you’ll probably love this product, but it’s too much for me lol😆 There are plenty of scent to choose, so I’ll say scent first! The product itself has no problem doing its work. My hair gets smooth after using it. ✔️Caffeine & pinus densiflora scalp care solution tonic It’s the first time I saw this kind of a product! For hair spray products, I only use dry shampoo before. And this is not dry shampoo! So it does not dry my hair (I kind of thought it could at first, I tried and it didn’t work.). I love this scent though! It has a cooling effect, but it’s not mint. It can be use anytime, and doesn’t need to wash it off after use. I always have a great time using it! What hair care products do you use? Let me know in the comments down below:) More pics👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #kundal 昆黛爾是韓國的的 全天然植萃香氛生活護理品牌! KUNDAL是 KUNST(德文「藝術」 ) + KINDAL (澳洲俚語「澳洲堅果」)! 今天主要介紹2款髮品~ ✔️蜂蜜&澳洲堅果🌰補水護髮素 爽身粉香 這個香氣是2020 韓國國內的第一名🥇! 是非常濃郁的香氣,一按下壓頭會充滿整個鼻腔的~ 吹頭髮時也可以聞到 推薦給真的很喜歡爽身粉味道的人! 我有看到其他創作者推薦過不同味道的! 護髮的效果很好,可以讓頭髮柔順 還有很多不同味道,比起以功能選擇為主 更推薦用自己喜歡的香味去做選擇喔! ✔️咖啡因強健髮根護理噴霧 看到這個酷東西就忍不住想來試試看了! 這是頭皮護理噴霧不是乾洗髮唷~ 所以不會有乾洗髮的功能! 包裝有很特別的卡榫設計! 不過包裝上有一行註明的文字有寫錯了 (跟小編核對過) 使用後是不用即時沖洗的唷! 屬於隨時想噴都可以噴的產品! 而且這個香味我超級喜歡💕 噴起來有涼涼的感覺但不是薄荷的味道! 難以形容但真的使用感受超讚的❤️ 你們有在用哪些頭髮/頭皮護理產品嗎? 歡迎留言跟我分享~ 噴頭的照片👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 昆黛爾 提供產品!(有過稿) 追蹤KUNDAL官方IG @kundaltw.official 每個月不定期舉辦抽獎喔! #KUNDAL昆黛爾 #正韓 #韓國直送 #植萃保養 #天然保養 #쿤달 #護髮 #護髮素 #護髮推薦 #護髮產品 #頭皮 #頭皮護理 #噴霧 #scalpcare #scalp #scalpcaretreatment #scalpcareproducts #scalptreatment #hairtreatment #hairtreatments #hairtreatmentproduct #hairtreatmentspray #hairspray #texturetuesday #textureart #textureshot #textureshots #textureshotTuesday #8月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-08-23,更新於 2024-08-23