

-(中文版本往下滑!) @chochoslab ‘s one brand makeup! They’re more affordable in Korean makeup lines. I’m sharing all their products that are available in Taiwan today! 🖤Single eyeshadows: This category is my fav of all the products mentioning today! High pigmented, blends like a dream, and the color selection is my vibe! 3 consistency: matte, satin( matte with little particles in it), and shimmer. Matte ones are my No.1 choice. They have slightly fall out with satin and shimmer consistency throughout the day, but still last on lids all day long. The shades are: 1 Champagne gold (shimmer) 5 Golden maple (satin) 6 desert (matte) 7 peach fairy (satin) 8 tanned cherry (matte) 🖤Brow pencil 01 Natural brown & 02 Warm brown The one suits my black hair the most is the one that’s out of stock (03 gray brown)!🤣 It’s a double ended brow pencil that comes with a brush. I do love the brush that’s thinner than other brow pencils! Could be more precise while using it! 🖤Brush pen eyeliner 01 black & 02 deep brown This fade away a bit throughout the day. Needs to shake before use, and make sure it is well closed - for it opens automatically all of a sudden sometimes. 🖤Tone capture cream baby pink & baby blue It’s very moisturizing and both shades look the same after blending out. - #chochoslab 台灣全品項分享來了! 這是跟16brand同集團底下的品牌 定位更親民適合學生和小資族群! 全品項都$300元有找! 在寶雅可以發現他們家的身影~ ➿單色寶藏眼影 有三種質地在包裝上都有清楚展示! 包裝很現代可愛超級喜歡💕 眼影粉質偏鬆很顯色好沾取 用手指加一支暈染刷就可以輕鬆完妝! 整天下來的持久度表現的很好 只有微微亮片會掉一些在眼下 但眼妝還是很完整的 半霧面是屬於霧面裡面帶有細閃的路線 珠光沾附手指的油脂後表面會聚合但還是取的到粉! 最喜歡霧面的質地💕 顏色也飽和日常到不行! 1號-香檳金色(珠光) 5號-金色楓糖(半霧面) 6號-中東沙漠(霧面) 7號-蜜桃粉金(半霧面) 8號-楓紅櫻桃(霧面) ➿彈力眼線液 筆蓋要施點力氣打開和關上 沒關好的話會再彈開 是立可白式搖一搖出水會比較滑順 整體筆身偏粗 筆頭很有彈性很好勾勒眼線 畫內眼線也可以! 帶妝一整天靠近眼角的眼尾會消失一點 不過不會讓眼尾變得髒髒的 眼皮乾燥的朋朋應該比較適合 (我是油眼皮!) 01黑色-在手上試色搓揉會稍微暈染 02深棕色-上眼跟黑色差不多,手上試色搓揉只會消失不會暈染 ➿嬰兒素顏霜 敏感肌使用也沒問題! 兩款顏色塗開後沒什麼差異 整體會變白一些保濕感很足 官方推薦粉紅給白皙肌膚
粉藍給健康膚色 如果單純用來提亮脖子要再用蜜粉定妝 也可以用來混合顏色稍深偏乾的粉底! ➿纖細眉筆(附眉刷) 筆頭是很細的圓頭 筆芯軟硬適中很顯色好畫 眉刷那頭屬於比較細的類型 可以針對細節去調整 03灰調棕官網缺貨了 所以這次分享另外兩個顏色! 01自然棕 02 暖深棕 可以根據不同的髮色對應使用的色號~ 歡迎留言跟我分享最有興趣的品項🥰 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-30,更新於 2024-07-30