

-(中文版本往下滑!) An old @espoir_makeup Cheek Look Book palette for today! My first espoir product! I love their packaging so much!!!! It came with 4 matte blushes, a highlighter, and a bronzer. The highlighter is more of a blush topper for it has a blush base shade. The bronzer shade is quite weird, unlike a bronzer nor a contour, might be a blush shade on darker skin tones. Has particles in it. The matte shades look better on lighter skin tones, didn’t fit my yellow skin tone that much. Overall I’d say it’s a palette for lighter and colder skin tones. Any espoir product recommendations? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #espoir 6色腮紅書!很久以前的產品🤣 四色腮紅+一個修容色+一個打亮 修容顏色比較適合當作腮紅過度到修容的過渡 顏色不適合真的當修容使用! 裡面還参了神秘的亮粉~ 打亮因為有腮紅底色所以比較適合當腮紅兼打亮 或是疊加在腮紅上面的打亮~ 細緻度算普通! 因為包裝太美所以入的 眼影書系列的包裝真的都好讚 整體來說適合白肌朋朋! 霧面腮紅顏色都偏鮮豔飽和 在黃皮上比較普通也要控制用量 好像就是不用特別收的產品🤣 手部刷色👉👉👉 你們有推薦什麼espoir 的產品嗎? 歡迎留言跟我分享! 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #asianbeautygram #blushblush #affordablemakeup #cheapmakeup #makeupreviews #blushreview #blushlove #makeupklever #化粧 #アイメイク #motd💋 #dailymakeup #makeupkontent #blushes #腮紅 #腮紅控 #blushlover #blushcollection #facepalette#美妝 #美妝分享 #化妝品分享 #makeupreview #productreviews #makeuplookoftheday #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-26,更新於 2024-07-26