

-(中文版本往下滑!) @romandyou has some new shades in lip tint and blush categories! I only tried their eyeshadow palette before, liked it! Exploring new products today! Putting everything on my face in this reels! Dewyful lip tint came with 2 new shades! ✨12 canyon & 13 custard mauve ✨ I like both on my light to medium skin tone. I apply two layers of it to get the color payoff I like. The tint effect is quite nice and could last throughout a meal. Better than cheek blush changed their packaging! ✨N01 nutty nude & N02 vine nude✨ N01 is too light on my light to medium skin tone, only recommend to lighter skin tones. N02 looks light in pan but quite pigmented on cheeks. It’s a purple-ish shade that can show on medium skin tone. I think it’s even a bit too deep on my cheeks🤣. Which one do you enjoy the most? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #romand 頰彩換新包裝也出新色了! 之前只用過他們的眼影盤(推薦!) 還有唇釉一起分享💗💗 Reels後面有腮紅跟唇彩上臉唷~ ✔️勝過臉頰腮紅 #베러댄치크 ➿N01烘烤堅果➿ 棉花糖橘的顏色! 顏色偏淺白肌更適合! 中間膚色的話可以當打底或是暈染色 ➿N02微醺葡萄➿ 看起來很淺不過在中間膚色上 其實是收縮色的腮紅! 建議打在側面銜接修容 顏色是紫調的辣種 ✔️豐露唇釉 #듀이풀워터틴트 12紅烏裸棕 & 13芋泥煉奶 剛塗的時候稍微會有一點涼涼的 要塗飽和一點要塗兩層 黏度不會太黏 最近喜歡有染唇效果的產品 吃飯還可以保留氣色! 剛上顏色比較淡等一下會深一點 兩色都很日常好看! @heyitsmindyy 最新的韓國購物分享影片 也有分享這四個產品 她也都很推薦! 你們用過什麼romand 的品項? 歡迎留言跟我分享心得&色號💕 手部刷色👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @habon_tw @romand.tw 提供產品! #롬앤 #唇釉 #染唇 #唇彩試色 #lipswatches #化粧 #アイメイク #motd💋 #dailymakeup #美妝分享 #腮紅 #blushpink #blushblush #블러셔 #베러댄치크 #블러셔추천 #치크 #틴트 #틴트추천 #모브 #촉촉틴트 #립메이크업 #발색샷 #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-26,更新於 2024-07-26