

-#文末ㄔㄐ 已截止 @allione.official is a Korean brand that has both makeup and skincare products! Lip tints and sheet masks for today! ✔️MUSE MELLOW VELVET TINT 8 shades I enjoy mixing 2 shades to create a gradient flowery look the most. What’s great of this line is that it has both natural base shades and pointed bold shades. The shade range is wide for everyone to pick the ones they miss in their collection. I tried every shade on my lips in this reel! 101 SHE'S LOADED 102 PLUFFY SWEETY 103 SOME ATTEMPT 104 ALL DAZED 105 LAZY YOUNG 106 SUN DANCE SCARLET 107 CHOCOLAT HAZE 108 MOON NIGHT PLUM ✔️VINTAGE MASK 2 different types of sheet mask! ➿TRIPLE MUSHROOM➿ The essence is tacky, rich, and has more amount than the next one. It’s a jelly mask and needs to be washed off after use. ➿SOOTHING KOMBUCHA➿ There are 2 layers of gauze sandwich the mask in between. The mask itself is thin. The essence is lighter, and moisturizing. Do you mix different shades on your lips? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #ALLIONE 是有彩妝又有保養的韓國品牌! ✔️柔霧天鵝絨謬思唇膏 5.5g / 8色 很滑順極輕微染唇 刷頭很好推勻唇釉 霧但不乾吃飯要補 分為不同色系可以依照喜好挑選 打底色跟重點色都有 最推薦互相搭配很韓! Reels裡面有以下搭配的試色💗 105+101韓妞感覺! 104+102無害韓妞 103微螢光粉適合白肌 104活力橘色 105最日常不挑膚色 103+106大紅主管風 107冷葡萄紫氣勢姐姐 108挑戰特殊顏色舞台妝比107更紫紅 ✔️三種白色菇菇彈力光澤面膜(美白+皺紋改善) 果凍狀弱酸性pH值面膜 海藻黏液精華液是黏稠會牽絲的類型! 豐沛的精華液敷的時候會稍微位移 要認真敷面膜的時候使用! 即刻就可以感受到肌膚變得滑順 沒有洗掉的話乾掉會搓泥 所以推薦在晚上使用妝前要洗臉! ✔️康普茶舒緩保濕面膜 有雙層紗網的面膜! 一開始沒發現是雙層只撕了一層🤣 還想說怎麼有點硬 要先確認好位置後再撕第二層紗網! 撕完的面膜變的很軟就比較不好調整位置 精華液的量上一款的比較多! 這款精華液更水流動性更強 也要認真敷面膜不要亂跑哈哈哈 剛洗完或肌膚敷完會有微黏的保濕感 手部刷色👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @hanypick_seoul 提供產品! 抽使用過的唇彩組合*4位 101+105、102+104、103+106、107+108 追蹤我 按讚本篇貼文 留言想要哪個組合+標記一位朋友 (可以重複留言) 12/2截止,蝦皮下單運費自付 已在限動開獎 #唇彩 #唇彩試色 #swatchesfordays #swatchesmakeup #アイメイク #motd💋 #dailymakeup #美妝分享 #唇釉 #唇釉推薦 #唇釉試色 #liptintkorea #liptints #面膜控 #面膜分享 #sheetmaskkorea #sheetmaskreview #sheetmaskhaul #liquidlipsticks #koreanbeautyproducts #velvettint #골라주세요 #틴트 #알리원 #mlbb립스틱 #쿨톤립스틱 #웜톤립스틱#7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-25,更新於 2024-07-26