

-(中文版本往下滑!) 3 products from @toocoolforschool_official art class by Rodin series! ✔️shading powder 02 modern Their most famous product of all time! I finally get my hands on it! The shade is very natural on my light to medium skin tone. A bit red and warm ashy color. I use it all over my jaw line and to contour my nose. I have been using it everyday for 3-4 months. I didn’t hit pan yet! Think this is going to last long! ✔️Finish setting pact powder At first when I swatched it on my hands I thought it has too many shiny particles in it. After putting it on my face, the particles didn’t show much. Compare it with a glowy foundation is actually a good choice. I need to dab my brushes so many times to get the amount of product I want. On the other side, I won’t put too much powder on to make my face looks dry. ✔️Blending eyes eyeshadow palette rosy brown I heard people grave about it thus I had high expectations. It didn’t meet my expectations 100%, but the more I try it out, I kind of get to understand what other’s options are about. It can create a monochromatic look by using one of the shade as the blush. The pigmentation will be better if applied by fingertips. The shimmer in it is too subtle for me that’s almost nothing on my eyelids. What’s your all time fav contour/bronzer? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches video of everything 👉👉👉 - #toocoolforschool 羅丹系列包裝商品! 🖤美術課三色修容餅 色號02 modern 有名到不行的品項! 在中間偏白膚色上真的是極度自然 不飛粉可以大力刷不用擔心變成落腮鬍 顏色屬於灰調帶點紅 因為很自然所以刷外輪廓跟鼻影都沒問題! 壓粉扎實每天用3-4個月只有淺淺凹痕 感覺可以用很久! 🖤美術課羅丹調色眼影盤 粉質很細膩飽和度偏低 一開始我沒體會到它的美 用手指可以上色比較顯色一些 也很好暈染可以手指完妝 適合喜歡淡顏系的白皙朋朋新手也友善 裡面的顏色可以兼腮紅! 就能畫出全臉一致的妝容 這是我最喜歡這盤的地方 點 #da_tcfs 去看用這盤畫的眼妝! 🖤美術課微光蜜粉餅 跟integrate的蜜粉餅比起來 粉壓的很緊實 不太會有飛粉或是取粉過多的情況 如果平常喜歡大力bake的朋朋 可能就會覺得要回沾很多次🤣 推薦跟光澤型粉底一起使用 更能保持光澤! 刷色時候看到裡面帶有細閃有點緊張 不過上臉沒有亮粉感! 是肌膚透出的光澤感 很近細看只有局部會有一兩顆亮粉 不控油但持妝力還不錯 刷色影片👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #tcfs #언리시아 #アンリシア #ケアオタク #蜜粉 #蜜粉餅 #修容 #修容盤 #眼影 #眼影盤 #眼影盘 #眼影試色 #眼影分享 #contourpalette #finishingpowder #settingpowder #cooltone #투쿨포스쿨 #바이로댕 #섀도우 #코랄섀도우 #섀도우추천 #데일리섀도우 #코랄메이크업 #아이섀도우 #아이섀도우팔레트 #바이로댕쉐딩 #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-25,更新於 2024-07-25