

-(中文版本往下滑!) Guam @dusitbeachresortguam unboxing! This is my first post of the Guam trip and I hope it helps if there’s anyone will be visiting Guam someday! I’ll at least do another reel of the hole 5 day trip! Let’s goooooo! Pic 1. Couch view Pic 2. Couch and the balcony ✨ Pic 3. What the pool looks like through the balcony Pic 4. The view outside the balcony Pic 5. Lighting at night Pic 6. Room tour to the restroom Pic 7. Dusit beach resort Guam Pic 8&9. The lobby This is the Luxury ocean view room with two queen size beds. Pros: The breakfast was nice and the hot dishes had changes every single day. (I was there for 4 nights.) The restroom was bright and big and with washlet. Location was great, near the luxury brands and the beach! An @abcstoresguamsaipan nearby that sells souvenirs and snacks and opens until 12pm! Cons: Every time I put the card into the card holder while entering the room, the auto curtain goes up with an annoying and huge motor noise. 🤣 The lighting at night wasn’t enough for me, a bit too dark and yellow. Some of the option tours’ rendezvous is not at the dusit beach resort lobby but the dusit Thani resort lobby. (It’s just next to dusit beach, 2 minutes walk actually, but it just feels a bit awkward if you guys can get my point 🥹.) After visiting the dusit Thani resort’s lobby, if you have higher budget I would recommend dusit Thani more than dusit beach resort!🤣 What do you care the most when it comes to hotels? Lmk in the comments down below:) Photos & videos👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #關島 杜喜海灘🏖飯店開箱! 豪華海景兩張加大雙人床(含早餐) 這次住了四個晚上沒有換飯店🏨 房型是兩個房間中間只隔一道門的那種 認識的可以挑選這種房型就可以把門打開 關起來隔音會比一般房稍微差一點 然後比一般房少一個長椅 有附一人一張去飯店戲水的毛巾卡 圖一/沙發景 圖二/沙發往陽台看 圖三/陽台俯視飯店戲水設施 圖四/陽台平視外景&杜喜沙灘🏖️ 圖五/夜晚床頭燈光 圖六/房間導覽影片到衛浴 圖七/飯店外部 圖八&九/飯店大廳 ✔️優點 早餐選擇很多元每天熱食都有變化 電梯很快! 浴室很大+明亮 浴簾是弧形的洗澡時上半部空間感比較大 也有可以晾衣服的拉繩可以使用 免治馬桶👍 床很大而且意外好睡~軟硬適中!枕頭也不會太高 有很大的泳池旁邊就是沙灘和精品店 旁邊就有一間ABC stores可以買紀念品跟零食 ❌缺點 一插卡窗簾會自動打開但聲音超大聲🤣 瓶裝水只有第一天會提供 後續打掃只會補毛巾跟備品 衛生紙/面紙補充的比較慢 不會主動提供梳子有需要要打電話 晚上房間內的照明算昏暗 一些自費行程都要去對面的杜喜塔尼飯店接送 整體來說因為有去參觀對面的杜喜塔尼飯店大廳 覺得在這兩間猶豫比較的話 有預算可以考慮對面那間🤣 大廳整個高級明亮很多! 有照片跟影片👉👉👉 你們對飯店/住宿最重視什麼呢? 歡迎留言跟我一起討論! 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-23,更新於 2024-07-23