

-(#媽我終於當上蝦皮美妝特派員了) @lorealparis skincare line has some new launches on the market! Age perfect nectar royal golden supplement series! A toner, an eye cream, and a light cream for today! Drugstore prices with high end formulas - Pro-xylane (toner didn’t included). I’ve heard of this formula for awhile. Tested it through samples that has 30% of pro-xylane from the brand helena rubinstein. And liked it a lot. Thus I’m excited to see this in drugstore! I love the eye cream the most, comes with a cooling massage stick to relieve pressure around the eyes. The other two is too moisturized for my skin. I had red dots on my cheeks the next day morning using them. I think they’ll be recommended for dry skin after 30s. Have you heard of Pro-xylane? Lmk in the comments down below:) Textures👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 💕 - 冷冷的天氣適合來點保濕滋潤的保養品! #巴黎萊雅 金致臻顏花蜜奢養系列 有添加高濃度普拉斯鏈!(小蜜露沒有) 是萊雅集團專利抗老黑科技 可以高效修護撫紋 味道是花蜜的香氣 千元價格萬元成分 包裝有重量和質感 ✔️金致臻顏花蜜奢養精華露 #小蜜露 ✔️金致臻顏花蜜奢養眼霜 #小蜜罐眼霜 ✔️金致臻顏花蜜奢養輕盈日霜 #小蜜罐 推薦30+輕熟齡乾肌使用! 輕盈好吸收又真的很滋潤~ 有添加頂級乳霜相同成份 真的完全是大賣點! 這個成分已經被婊姐推薦超多次了 還有黃金四胜肽精萃可以緊緻拉提 搭配360°黃金小冰棒按摩眼周舒壓消腫 一起一夜綻放緊彈蜜光肌✨ 你們有聽過普拉斯鏈這個成分嗎?❤️ 歡迎你們跟我分享😆 後面有素顏照👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @shopee_tw 提供產品! #蝦皮特派員 #一夜綻放緊彈蜜光肌 #金致臻顏系列 #輕奢版頂級保養 #我的輕奢蜜time #蝦皮購物 #15天鑑賞期 #蝦皮安心退 #正品保障 #0225商城狂購節 #ShopeeMallTW #蝦皮 #loréal #lorealparis #loréalparis #eyecream #toner #proxylane #普拉斯鏈 #眼霜 #日霜 #精華露 #丹妮婊姐 #drugstoreskincare #lorealskin #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-14,更新於 2024-07-14