

-(中文版本往下滑!) If you haven't figured out what to prepare for the Christmas gift exchange, @lsy_tw 's Sillage fragrance body care series is an excellent choice! The combination with a stress-relief massager for body massage is just right. 〰️ BODY OIL I like both scents. #WarmSunlight has a fresh herbal tone that is soothing and relaxing. #TranquilSerene, with its calm citrus notes, is suitable for creating a peaceful atmosphere before sleep. It absorbs well, leaving the skin moisturized without feeling sticky. 〰️ BODY LOTION The milky-white texture releases a rich aroma upon application. After absorption, the skin has a hydrated glow without being sticky. Applying it at night keeps the skin in good condition throughout the next day. Body moisturizing is essential as the weather gets cooler. More pics👉👉👉 What do you prepare for Xmas gifts? Lmk in the comments down below:) Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 聖誕節交換禮物還沒想好要準備什麼的話 LSY 林三益的Sillage 香氛身體保養系列是聖誕節交換禮物的好選擇! 搭配紓壓按摩器進行身體按摩的組合很剛好! 小包裝的設計能讓收禮的人嘗試看看不同的香氛味道 針對自己喜歡的後續可以再購入大包裝的品項 是很貼心的設計💝 當一個人離開後,空氣中留下的香味,法文叫做 Sillage。 如此有意境的名稱,適合屬於自己的時光 不僅僅是禮物、更是能和身心靈交流的祝福 〰️BODY OIL 草本複方美體油 兩款的味道我都很喜歡 #暖陽晨光 清新的草本調很舒緩放鬆 #靜謐幽邃 澄靜的柑橘調適合營造睡前沉靜的氣氛 使用上是好吸收且吸收後皮膚有保濕度又不會粘膩 〰️BODY LOTION 輕盈保濕身體乳液 乳白色質地推開後濃郁的香氣撲鼻而來 吸收後肌膚有保水度的光澤但不粘膩 晚上擦完後隔天一整天肌膚狀態都很好 在天氣漸涼的季節身體保濕是不可少的 歡迎跟我分享你們都如何打造屬於自己的時光? 使用照片👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🥰 謝謝林三益!(有過稿) #LSY林三益 #林三益 #LAMSAMYICK #Sillage #metime #輕盈保濕身體乳液 #緊實賦活美體油 #按摩 #紓壓 #紓壓按摩器 #relaxingmoment #按摩舒壓 #按摩油 #精油按摩 #按摩器 #精油保養 #精油生活 #精油舒壓 #舒壓 #舒壓按摩 #舒壓放鬆 #舒壓一下 #身體乳液 #12月POPO新起點

發布於 2023-12-17,更新於 2023-12-17