

-(中文版本往下滑!) @kate.tokyo.official_jp lip monster 07 is my second one of this series! There are some shades that I’m interested in the series such as 06, 02, and 103. Even though I have plenty of lip products that I can’t even use them up, I still bought this one for it last long throughout the day. The one I already have is 12, and 07 and 12 both have a purple undertone. 12 is darker and has more purple inside. A thin coat of 07 is suitable for a natural look even without makeup. Yet applying it thicker can sometimes feel too matured on yellow skin tones. This series is the first color-lasting lipstick I fell in love with 💄. The shine and durability are excellent 😎, and there are many color choices. It's overall lightweight and easy to carry. The downside is that it's a bit challenging to differentiate the shades from the packaging. It doesn't provide intense lip hydration, and if worn for an extended period, lip lines may become visible. Your thoughts on the product? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 分享我的第二支#Kate 怪獸持色唇膏💄 試色挑了很久之後選了07! 原本在06跟07之間猶豫很久🤣 還有02跟103也是! 原本有的是12~ 兩個都是帶有一點紫色調 不過12更深更紫一點! 07薄擦是素顏也可以的淡淡氣色 厚塗有時覺得很美有時覺得沒那個適合黃皮膚 大家可能還是要實際靠櫃試試才知道🤣 這個系列是我第一個愛上的持色唇膏💄 光澤感跟持久度都很讚😎 選色也有非常多選擇 整體輕巧好攜帶 缺點是多搜集幾支包裝比較難分色號 不會特別滋潤嘴唇 帶妝時間長唇紋也是會看得出來 近期我也很喜歡的是媚比琳的鎖吻棒! 顏色遮蓋力更好包裝也好分辨 不過缺點就是很大一支跟會黏 交給大家去嘗試囉! 你們推薦的怪獸唇膏顏色? 歡迎留言跟我分享~ 手部試質地👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #11月POPO生活碎片

發布於 2023-11-25,更新於 2023-11-25