
📍台北 麺屋 千雲 | 雞白湯拉麵專賣店 🍜

taste: 🤤🤤🤤😶😶 3/5 environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟▪️4/5 — 🍜a ramen shop specialising in chicken broth! we had both the fresh yuzu bowl and the rich broth bowl. the chicken meatballs and light yuzu bowl were both very good. sadly, the rich broth didn’t suit our tastebuds. the chicken shiso gyoza were amazing though, definitely recommend them! note: no reservations allowed so you’ll have to queue. they also require all parties to arrive before you can go in so make sure your friends arrive on time 😉 是一家主打雞肉的拉麵店!我們點了清爽柚香鹽味雞湯拉麵跟濃厚雞白湯。拉麵裡的雞肉丸子很嫩,柚子口味的拉麵很清爽。比較可惜的是濃郁口味不太合我們的胃口,建議比較重口味的人點。我們還點了雞肉煎餃,非常好吃,建議大家可以單點! 備註:不能訂位!排隊要等到所有人都到了才能進去喔~ #POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #美食 #台北拉麵 #拉麵控 #日式料理 #台北探店

發布於 2021-12-09,更新於 2022-10-11