
📍台北 annyoung | 東區韓式咖啡廳

📍台北 annyoung @annyoungcafe taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤✨ 4.5/5 environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5 — 🍯a cute korean cafe located in dongqu! annyong is most famous for their fried rice cakes with honey and seaweed. it’s sweet, savoury, and very chewy 😋 the cinnamon roll was also very crispy, we liked it a lot 😊 the caramel pudding was good but compared to everything else it was soso. definitely worth another visit! (the cafe is also pet friendly 🐾) 一家位於東區韓式咖啡廳。他他們家的採光很好很適合拍照。他們最有名的炸年糕配上烤海苔,又甜又鹹,口感非常有嚼勁。肉桂捲非常酥脆,我們覺得很好吃😍。焦糖布丁也還不錯但我們覺得比較普通。總體而言是一間可以再訪,跟朋友小聚的咖啡廳。 #POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #美食 #早午餐 #下午茶 #台北韓式 #網美咖啡廳

發布於 2021-12-01,更新於 2023-04-28