📍台北 tart taipei | 超人氣蛋塔
taste : 🤤🤤🤤🤤😶 4/5
environment : 🌟🌟🌟🌟✨4.5/5
🥧 new tarts shop in taipei by @kin.cooks ! they have a wide range of flavours from traditional hong kong styled egg tarts to fig & ricotta tarts!! our favourite was definitely the salty egg tart! the oozing saltiness perfectly offset the sweetness of the tart crust! the kiwi tart had an interesting combination of flavours. the sweet and sour flavours of both lemon filling and kiwi fruit were packaged into a mini flavour bomb. the grape and chocolate combo was quite ambitious but didn’t amaze our tastebuds 😅
note: get here early so you can choose from all the flavours! we went at 2pm and there weren’t anymore fig and pomelo tarts 😢
新的甜點塔專賣店! 他們的口味很豐富,從經典的香港蛋塔到新穎的無花果乳清乾酪塔都有。我們最愛的是鹹蛋黃口味。鹹鹹的流沙蛋黃搭配甜甜的餅皮,非常香。 另外,奇異果塔非常特別。他們利用奇異果和檸檬自然的甜跟酸來達到味覺刺激。葡萄跟巧克力的搭配很特別,但我們覺得沒有被驚艷到。
備註:要早點到!我們2點去的時候很多口味都沒了 😕 #POPO帶你吃好料 #東區美食 #必吃甜點
發布於 2021-10-31,更新於 2022-11-26