

-(中文版本往下滑!) @banilaco_official is the brand that opens my door to cleansing balms! Long time ago I’ve used up their cleansing balm in the old packaging, and I’m introducing their clean it zero cleansing balm original today! After I tried 2-3 cleansing balms from different brand, the consistency of this one needs more time and temperature to melts into liquid form. The scent is nice. Spatula is a must in this type of product for me nowadays. It’s sensitive skin friendly for I have no irritation using it. But still, it has a irreplaceable space in my heart! What have you tried their products before? Let me know in the comments down below:) On skin 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #balinaco 是我第一個接觸卸妝膏的品牌! 為我打開愛上卸妝膏這種質地的大門~ 在開始這個帳號之前就已經用空過一罐舊版的了 但早就被我丟了~ 今天來介紹新版的Zero 零感肌瞬卸凝霜✨ 包裝是適合最近像夏天一樣炎熱天氣的粉配藍 馬上給人一種清涼舒爽海邊的感覺! 獨角獸限定款🦄️值得擁有! 卸妝膏附帶挖杓真的是基本配備!一定要有的! 味道是好聞甜甜的味道🍬少女的感覺! 敏感肌使用完全不會刺激😎用在眼周也完全可以! 質地比較扎實一點,要稍微用手溫熱化開 粉底可以輕鬆卸的乾乾淨淨~ 眼唇部分我都還是會搭配眼唇卸妝液使用! 外出攜帶也超級方便不用擔心液狀會漏~ 你們有用過banilaco的任何產品嗎? 歡迎留言跟我分享~(超想知道) 上臉使用👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 體驗品來源為 @banilaco_official 與 @banilaco_taiwan 共同贊助合作(有過稿) #banilacotw #ZERO #零感肌瞬卸凝霜試用活動 #卸妝膏 #告別卸妝油改用卸妝膏 #零感肌瞬卸凝霜 #ボタヴィータ #クレンジングバター #w洗顔不要 #マツエクok #skincare #skincareblogger #skin #cleansing #cleansingbalm #cleansingbutter #kbeauty #clearskin #dryskin #卸妝 #discoverunder2k #beautyphotography #beautyproducts #beautyproduct #beautybloggers #beautyjunkie #beautyaddict #8月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-08-23,更新於 2024-08-23