
nars orgasm dupe

-(中文版本往下滑!) @sleekmakeup blush in 926 rose gold is actually my very first blush! I remember searching the blushes online and this was the one that everyone graved about, and I turned out purchasing it at a store in England a few years ago! I knew that it was one of the #nars orgasm blush’s dupe, but I do find it differs in consistency! Sleek one has thicker powder, and I use a face brush from German drugstore brand, dm, to have the exact amount of product on face. I tried using the same brush to apply the nars orgasm, but turned out too pigmented and the powder had lots of fallouts. Now I use my other blush brush to apply the nars one. I’ve actually had a post of nars orgasm a looooooong time ago. Without too many content, but some gorgeous shots for you💕. I’ll leave the post link on my story! You can check it out after this post 😆 What are you guys very first blush? Let me know in the comments down below:) A video clip showing swatches👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #sleek 926玫瑰金腮紅是我人生的第一塊腮紅! 我還記得那時候上網做了很多功課 是那時紅極一時的腮紅~ (是不是暴露年紀了🤣) 有很多說是 #narsorgasm 的開架代替品 現在我也有這顆~ 但我覺得以質地來說蠻不一樣的! 這顆粉體比較硬也壓的比較紮實 取粉我會用蓬鬆的纖維毛刷具沾取 刷毛本身是比較有彈力的也不會取粉過度 (我是用#德國 開架 @dm_ebelin 的蜜粉刷 但沒當過蜜粉刷使用😳) 就會是剛剛好的顯色度,不會太多~ 不過用同款刷具沾取nars 腮紅的話 粉體會被戳出很多碎屑 上臉的效果也會過於顯色~ Nars 的粉體比較鬆軟 更適合用軟一點的毛的刷具輕沾! 很~~~久以前其實有發過Nars那顆的貼文 文案少少的但有照片大家可以去看看💓 我放在限動~! 你們的第一塊腮紅是什麼呢? 歡迎留言跟我分享~(超想知道) 美爆的刷色影片👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #化粧 #アイメイク #dailymakeup #makeupkontent #ebelin #德國🇩🇪 #sleekmakeup #sleekcosmetics #sleekblush #sleekblusher #orgasmblush #sleekrosegold #orgasmnars #narsblush #blushbabe #blushgirl #blushbeauty #blushbaby #blushaddict #腮紅 #腮紅控 #블러셔 #motd💋 #motd💄 #8月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-08-17,更新於 2024-08-17