

-(中文版本往下滑!) @unleashia is a cruelty free and vegan brand from Korea! They’ve done a rebranding and I love their packaging! They’re famous for all kinds of glitters. I’m sharing the latest eyeshadow palette and some other products with glitters today! ✨Glitterpedia Eye Palette No.7 It’s my first time trying out their eyeshadow palette, and the color payoff shocked me! If you like hot pink/purple tones, this is a great option for you! It also includes a yellow glitter and an unicorn blue glitter, brings more diversity while creating looks. The only thing that I think could be better is a darker matte shade in this palette😆 ✨Pretty Easy Glitter Stick No.3 & No.7 Can’t keep my hands off these frosted packaging! 💗 It’s easy to apply. I only recommend using it in a thin layer and don’t blend it with fingers, otherwise it gets chunky and takeaway the base makeup or eyeshadow near it. But I still like it a lot! No.3 is a pink, purple, and yellow mixed glitter shade with barely there base color. No.7 is a shimmer shade in champagne, great for under eyes. I have No.2 in the old packaging (which is not in the picture), a white base glitter shade. ✨Glacier Vegan Lip Balm No.1 SNOW FROST Feels like vaseline with glitters (in a great way). The product itself looks gorgeous in person and I don’t really feel the glitters on my lips. It can change the finish from matte to a moisturized shiny lip. Are you glitter junkies or not? Swatches video of everything 👉 Save it if you like it 💕 - 誰還不認識韓國零殘忍和素食的亮片大牌#unleashia 這次整個品牌的logo 和包裝設計換然一新 超級爆炸好看!包裝控推薦! ✨亮片百科九宮格眼影盤No.7 這盤台灣還沒上這裡先搶先看! 整盤偏鮮豔的桃紅/紫色調 主要色都非常高飽和顯色也很滑順 如果喜歡這種偏高調或是喜歡這個色調的人 可以收!! 還帶有一個偏黃的亮片和很仙的淡藍色 屬於可以有變化的眼影盤❤️ 整盤有4種質地的眼影 霧面/霧面帶細閃/珠光亮片/大顆亮片 霧面深邃度稍微低一點沒有很深的顏色 可以搭配其他的眼影盤做出更有層次的眼妝! ✨流光結晶潤脣膏 No.1 雪花結晶 有亮片的潤唇膏也太酷! 使用上不會因為有亮片而不滑順或是異物感 質地在嘴巴上很快就化開 用它打底可以讓原本霧面的唇膏變光澤一些 單用是無底色的金色亮片 ✨珠光眼影棒 霧面磨砂包裝超好看又好摸 質地非常好塗抹 用於臥蠶或是上眼皮都沒有問題 建議輕輕塗抹即可 不太需要用手暈染邊界 厚塗和太用力可能會推壞把底妝帶起來 我收到的兩個色號分別是 No.7是比較收斂的曖曖內含光的類型 適合當作日常臥蠶提亮的膚金色 No.3是包含許多粉/紫/黃色亮片很閃亮逼人的 比較沒有底色,在亮片裡面算自然 我自己手邊還有No.2是白色底的亮片 會更搶眼一點 全品項刷色影片👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @nearndear.tw @unleashia_tw 提供產品! https://shopee.tw/meflag #언리시아 #アンリシア#NEARNDEAR.TW #韓系彩妝 #unleashia眼影盤 #彩妝 #好物推薦 #8月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-08-05,更新於 2024-08-17