

-#文末抽獎 已截止 @tsaiotw has launched a new tea tree skincare series this year! I use them mainly on body. Let’s dive into it! ➿Tea tree anti blemish body spray This is my most loved one of all 4 products!🥰 It can be sprayed in all angles, good to use for spraying my back. The scent has a great cooling effect, I always keep my face from it for being too cool🤣. ➿Tea tree multi purpose cooling oil This has a strong cooling scent, too. It’s a multiple-use product. I tried using it on pimples and it worked quite well. The next day the pimple was gone. A drop on the mask can cool down the sultry feeling due to hot weather. ➿Tea tree flawless body lotion I put this on my back after the spray. The cooling scent is not that strong as the former 2 products. I use it on my arms and legs when the weather is hot and I want something to cool down my skin a bit, still having a bit moisturizing effect. ➿Tea tree spot corrector gel I use this on spots but haven’t seen a great difference yet for using it or not. Might need more time to figure it out. It does dry out the skin after I use it continuously for days on the same spot. Thus keeping the spot moisturized is a must while using this product. Do you like skincare with cooling scents? Let me know in the comments down below:) Texture shots👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 今天來介紹#上山採藥 夏天必備的2022茶樹系列新品! 我主要都使用在身體上! 身體保養來襲~ ➿茶樹焦點淨白凝膠 沒有涼感 保濕還是要做好不然連續使用幾天會稍微脫皮 會用在痘痘消下去之後的紅痘疤上 這個跟粉痘凝膠擇一使用唷! 應該要用長一點的時間才能看到效果 不過整個軟管真的裝的超級滿! 內容物誠意十足的那種 ➿茶樹淨涼美背噴霧 噴頭上噴下噴倒著噴都可以! 我覺得蠻涼的! 噴霧屬於有點力道的 是我這次使用下來最喜歡的產品❤️ ➿茶樹無瑕美背身體乳 我會在噴完噴霧吸收後使用這個 涼感比噴霧少 夏天悶熱時除了背部之外用來擦手腳也可以 稍微涼爽又兼具一點保濕的功能 ➿茶樹沁涼芳聞精粹 多功能的用途 我有嘗試使用在痘痘上隔天就消了 也可以倒一滴在口罩上減緩悶熱感 倒著45度敲擊瓶底就可以剛好一滴 味道很涼~ 你們喜歡聞起來涼涼的產品嗎? 歡迎留言跟我分享❤️ 質地👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 上山採藥 提供產品! 抽一組茶樹新品(4件)!(好福) 想跟我有一樣的保養品組合的朋朋快來~ 追蹤我& @tsaiotw 按讚本篇貼文 留言讓最近心情好的事+標記一位朋友 (可以重複留言) 來限時動態跟我互動 6/28截止,品牌寄出 已公布於限動 #tsaio #skincare #保養 #保養品 #保養品推薦 #antiacne #troubledskin #skincareproducts #lotion #teatree #teatreeoil #acne #acnetreatment #acneskincare #acnesolution #茶樹 #茶樹精油 #痘痘肌 #抗痘 #美容オタク #スキンケア #コスメ好きさんと繋がりたい #韓国コスメ好きな人と繋がりたい #韓国コスメレビュー #スキンケア好きさんと繋がりたい #スキンケアマニア #スキンケアオタク #美容好きな人と繋がりたい #8月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-08-05,更新於 2024-08-17