
too cool for school 單顆眼影眼妝

-(中文版本往下滑!) More @toocoolforschool_official products for today and looks using them! 🖤Art class frottage pencil I’ve been interesting about this product after watching YouTuber’s reviews about how the shade 01 naturally brightens up the under eye fat. The consistency is as hard as pencil, thus it’s not that comfortable while putting it on. But it stays on the lid pretty well throughout the day and blends like a dream. 〰️02 rose dew〰️ A baby pink that looks good on my yellow skin tone! This shade is lighter than the next one thus could use to brighten up the under eye fat as well. It creates an eyelook that seems like I just cried, a feminine and innocent effect. 〰️07 muted taupe 〰️ A elegant shade while put it all over on my eyelids. Natural deepening affect with subtle shimmers in it. 🖤Jelly eyes I already shared this consistency in my older posts! Check out for another shade and more details about this product here #da_tcfs ! This consistency does get into my crease lines easily throughout the day, but I still like it! 〰️G01 twinkle aurora 〰️ This one is the only glitter shade in this product line. A cool white tone with pink particles in it. 〰️M05 honey almond 〰️ Looks deep in pan but almond on eyes and swatches! It’s like almond mixed with latte! A unique shade in all the neutral shades I have. One and done eyeshadow pick! Do you brightens up your under eye fat? It’s an Asian style makeup trend to make eyes bigger! Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #toocoolforschool 又來了! 今天的眼妝很簡單就可以完成! 重點放在產品介紹~ 🖤美術課 立體輪廓眼影筆 #프로타주펜슬 之前被YouTuber 大燒特燒的眼影筆! 影片推薦的臥蠶色號是01 今天分享的是其他色號~ 質地像HB鉛筆一樣是硬的 不過不同顏色的軟硬度還是略有差異 大面積塗抹的細膩光澤很美 很神奇的是用手推開是一秒化開的無邊界 但在眼皮上可以持久一整天不會因為眨眼消失或是積線! 適應質地的話表現力很好👍 ➿02玫瑰金 粉嫩的粉色但黃肌也適合! 放在眼下化臥蠶可以有無辜淚妝的效果 上整個上眼皮是粉嫩氣質的路線 ➿07太妃糖慕斯 是新的顏色! 比玫瑰金再更深一點的顏色 兩個顏色疊加一起 可以完成一個粉嫩眼妝🌸🌸🌸 這次的眼妝就是用這兩色再加上 果凍眼影書的珠光寶石完成的! 🖤格子學院 果凍眼影書 之前就有貼文介紹過是我超級喜歡的質地 可以點#da_tcfs 去看看! 這次分享另外兩個顏色! ➿G01 珠光寶石💎(亮片色) 這系列裡面唯一的一顆亮片色 屬於偏白粉的色調 ➿M05蜂蜜杏仁(霧面色) 乍看是適合眼尾加深的深棕色 上眼是有情調質感拿鐵的顏色! 有單用就可以畫單色眼妝的展示照片 有很多大地色但這個顏色有獨到的感覺 不容易撞色! 手部刷色👉👉👉 你們最近用什麼提亮臥蠶~ 歡迎留言跟我分享! 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @toocoolforschool_tw 提供產品!(有過稿) #7月POPO創作者分享

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