

—(中文版本往下滑!) The look using @lemiu.official Idyllic shadow palette BR01 cozy brown! Let’s talk more about the eyeshadow palette. Though I need to swatch a few times on my hand to get enough color payoff, but it didn’t take much effort to layer it on eyelids. Sadly it didn’t impress me in any dimension. For I get to have more and more eyeshadow palettes in my collection, became pickier about products somehow is a thing that happens naturally. Do you guys feel the same, too? Swatches 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - 用 #lemiu 眼影盤BR01 cozy brown 畫的眼妝來了! 秋天氛圍感玫瑰眼妝! 日常使用氣質加分 深邃度也很剛好~ 這盤眼影的變化性比較少 顏色的色系很固定 所以沒辦法創造多樣性的妝容 只能在深淺上做變化 喜歡這個色系又想要簡單上眼妝的話是可以的! 四色眼影盤的步驟很無腦🤣 →最淺霧面色畫整個眼窩 →珠光重點色畫超過雙眼皮摺一點點 → 最深霧面深咖啡加深眼頭眼尾 →亮片提亮上眼皮中間和臥蠶✨ → 畫眼線夾睫毛刷睫毛膏 → 完成✅ 右滑手部高清試色👀 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #레미유 #化妝品分享 #메이크업아티스트 #오늘의화장 #眼妝 #eyelooks #eyelookoftheday #眼妝分享 #hoodedeyes #tiktokmakeup #newmakeup #韓國彩妝 #韓國化妝品 #美妝推薦 #純素品牌 #眼影盤 #彩妝推薦 #kbeautyreview #kbeautyhaul #kbeautycommunity #letskbeauty #kbeautyglobal #veganbrand #제품협찬 #아이섀도우추천 #섀도우추천 #웜톤 #쿨톤 #데일리메이크업 #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-28,更新於 2024-07-29