

-(中文版本往下滑!) I think of hula bronzer, blushes, and liquid highlighter beam when it comes to @benefitcosmetics ! But I’m actually sharing some other things today 😎! ✔️Precisely brow bonus 3.5 With a full size and a mini one in this set! This is like the most famous product! I have wanted to try this product for a long time. The shade didn’t meet my black hair that much, it’s a deep brown. The consistency is thicker than I expected. After using it a few times, the color payoff became great and need to be controlled. I’d say it’s a product for people who want to major in brows🤣 Things might be better if I get the right shade! ✔️Good proof brow pencil 03 A triangle shape with super soft consistency- don’t spin too much at a time else it’s going to broke! This shade is lighter than 3.5, a more yellowy brown. ✔️Flora tint First things first, I’m not a lip product gal at all😂. This product in other shades is included in a Korean drama. It’s a tint that fades away after drinking water. On the other side, it’s quite comfortable wearing it. The shade is bright on my skin tone but not exactly the way I like. What’s your all time fav eyebrow product? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - #benefitcosmetics 真的有好多經典明星商品! 腮紅、古銅、打亮液 不過今天分享是別的嘿嘿 讓我們繼續看下去! ✔️#這細我的眉筆 超值組 3.5 最有名推到爆的品項! 一大0.08克一小0.04克 外出帶小支的也超方便! 小的就沒有螺旋梳~ 顏色是深咖啡色 屬於自然色黑髮也可以用的範圍 顏色上也有黑髮的顏色可以靠櫃看看 專櫃的好處就是色號很多元 大家應該都可以找到適合的顏色! 筆芯很細剛用的時候比較硬 表面磨掉後很顯色可以畫出細緻毛流 推薦化妝老手使用! ✔️好上手眉筆 03 3號顏色比3.5更淺! 三角形的切面可以很好大範圍上色 筆芯很軟一次轉一點出來就可以 適合本身有眉毛想快速上妝的朋朋 ✔️花吻菲菲染唇液 梨泰院裡面的產品! 色號不一樣 這色好像是太妍限定款! 顏色是亮眼但不到不能駕馭的顏色 塗抹在嘴唇上很輕盈沒有什麼感覺 會霧化不沾口罩 沒有什麼染唇效果喝水跟吃東西都會掉! 也相對好卸除~ 手部刷色👉👉👉 你們最推薦的眉筆是什麼呢? 歡迎留言跟我分享! 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝benefit 提供產品! #preciselymybrow #preciselymybrowpencil #benefitpinkclub #naturalglam #softglam #freshmakeup #benefitbrowsearch #benefitbrows #benefitbrowbar #benefitmakeup #benefitbrow #goofproofbrowpencil #benefittaiwan #美妝 #美妝分享 #化妝品分享 #메이크업아티스트 #오늘의화장 #makeuptoday #makeupviral #tiktokviral #tiktokmakeup #makeupreview #productreviews #染唇 #染唇液 #眉筆#7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-25,更新於 2024-07-25