

-(中文版本往下滑!) Have you watched the Korean drama “true beauty”? The main actress, Mun Ka-Young(@m_kayoung ), is now @dinto_cosmetic ‘s endorsement! 3 makeup products from this brand for today! ✔️Dante one by one eye definer 412 in the light I love the shade of this product a lot. It’s something I’ve been looking for awhile. Not too deep yet ashy and could be layered. But there’s a huge con of this product - it leaks if I took it out in my bag. Not like leaking all over the place, but once I open the cap, I could see the products leaking out. It can only be stored on my makeup desk 😆! ✔️Wooncho blur-finish foam primer Cool thing to play with! There’s video of me pumping it out! Super satisfying lol! Normal skin could give it a try. I think I got pimples because of this product cuz it’s too moisturized and I’m sensitive skin. ✔️blur-finish Jane Austen shadow 701 Something or nothing on the eyes is like a trend these days. Only deepening the eyes a bit. The palette has a neutral to warm tone pink and brown shades. Swipe for the eye look using this palette! Swatches and videos👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 💘 - 來擔任Dinto x hanypick 的開箱特派員了! 由#女神降臨#文佳煐 代言! 今天分享三款產品 ✔️Blur-finish泡沫飾底乳 第一次看到泡沫質地的妝前飾底乳! 擠出來的瞬間超級療癒的🥹 粉白色推開後變透明有保濕力和黏性 可以讓後續底妝更好延展 不太確定會不會過於保濕而致痘 一般肌膚想嘗試的都可以試看看 使用前要先上下充分搖晃產品唷! ✔️Eye definer眼線液 412 顏色是我尋覓已久的自然色調 低彩度水洗棕色! 不會過深像黑色又不會淺到和眼影融合 有一種透明感但可以層層堆疊 是好畫有彈力的筆頭 持妝不暈一整天也很好卸除 有白色粉末要充分搖晃後再使用~ 使用後一定要橫躺放置! 我有一次不小心直立放在化妝包 回家打開整個爆水😭 推薦放在化妝台使用外出不攜帶 抗摩擦的搓揉影片看後面💘 也有嘗試使用畫假的下睫毛 社交距離看算自然但我還要練練手🤣 ✔️Blur-finish眼影盤 701 用刷具沾會稍微飛粉的質地 手部試色摸起來滑順綿密 上排三色是暖調的橘棕 下排三色是中間調的粉 符合近期流行淡妝的趨勢 加深深邃感的若有似無眼影 有眼妝的照片可以看後面! 我上眼影使用上排顏色 下眼影使用下排顏色~ 有興趣的朋朋可以去Dinto.tw 蝦皮官方商店看看! ✔️Deeply into, Dinto 你們有看這部韓劇嗎? 歡迎跟我分享心得🥰 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 謝謝 @hanypick_seoul 提供產品! #truebeauty #truebeautywebtoon #truebeautydrama #eyelinermakeup #closeuptexture #質地 #眼線液 #妝前底霜 #推薦 #眼影 #眼影盤 #眼影盘 #眼影試色 #眼影分享 #섀도우추천음영메이크업 #아이메이크업 #아이팔레트추천 #コスメレビュー #ミルクタッチ #韓国コスメレビュー #kbeautyaddict #kbeautyreview #kbeautylover #kbeautyjunkie #kbeautyproducts #koreanbrand #eyeshadowlook #7月POPO創作者分享

發布於 2024-07-14,更新於 2024-07-14