
YSL小黑條311 312試色

-(中文版本往下滑!) @yslbeauty the slim velvet radical highly pigmented velvet matte lipstick in the shade 311 & 312. The packaging is exceptionally beautiful, especially the square-cut design. Twisting the lipstick out is a truly soothing experience. The texture is smooth on the lips without feeling heavy. It‘s not an extremely long-lasting matte formula, so reapplication is needed after eating, drinking, or wearing a mask. Insufficient lip care may lead to peeling and uneven application. The color 311 appears a bit ambiguous on warm-toned skin 🤔. It exudes a subtle autumn-winter vibe! The shade 312 is a bold deep purple-toned lipstick. Dark colors might be slightly challenging to apply evenly, but there’s no need to worry about the color itself on warm-toned skin—it‘s totally manageable! It embraces a bold aesthetic and leans towards autumn-winter tones. Your thoughts on the product? Lmk in the comments down below:) Swatches 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🌸 - Ysl #奢華緞面絨霧唇膏 大名鼎鼎的小黑條! 包裝真的非常美尤其是方形切面 旋轉膏體出來的時候超級療癒 質地很滑順上唇沒負擔 不是特別持久的絨霧路線 吃飯喝水戴口罩都要補擦 唇部保養不夠重複補擦會起死皮塗不勻 卸妝之後嘴唇有一點點紅紅的 如果有唇炎的朋朋要稍微注意一下 311這個顏色在黃肌上有點曖昧不明🤔 可以當打底色再疊加其他口紅也可以單擦 上唇試色也有兩色疊擦的效果可以參考 是帶點秋冬感的氣質顏色 黃肌的話建議還是靠櫃看看! 312立馬化身壞女人的帶紫調深色口紅 深色感覺稍微沒那麼容易塗勻 不過顏色上就是黃肌不用擔心的顏色 完全可以駕馭沒問題! 走一個氣勢的路線也是偏秋冬的顏色 你們有用過YSL小黑條嗎? 歡迎留言跟我分享~ 手部試質地👉👉👉 祝你們有美好的一天🌸 #1月POPO創作者企劃

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