
kundal 修護髮品

-(中文版本往下滑!) @kundal.official protein bonding shampoo and treatment for today! The packaging is pink! Adorable. This series offers excellent moisture and shine. I was initially concerned that hair repair products might leave a heavy or greasy feeling, but after using it, the result is refreshing with a soft, shiny finish. For the conditioner, I recommend leaving it on your hair a bit longer for more noticeable effects. If you like a floral scent, you can't go wrong with this product! The texture is thick, and the foam is delicate. What shampoo do you use lately? Lmk in the comments down below:) My hair 👉👉👉 Wish you all a lovely day 🥰 - KUNDAL在康是美上市了! 這次體驗的是受損修護系列 主打蛋白質連結修護和玻尿酸深層保濕 是我特別帶去髮廊洗頭的洗髮精跟護髮乳! 本身細軟髮加上有燙頭髮的關係 洗髮梳髮的打結完全是日常生活 吹完頭髮也很毛躁讓人心情煩躁😫 這系列的保濕度跟光澤度都很不錯 原本擔心修護類髮品會比較有洗不乾淨的感覺 不過這個洗完感受是清爽的也會有柔順光澤 護髮乳的部分建議在頭髮上停留久一點的效果會比較明顯! 喜歡花香香味的話不能錯過! 質地是濃稠的泡沫也很細緻 有柔順的髮質和香噴噴的頭髮心情會特別好 頭髮對比照片👉👉👉 謝謝 KUNDAL! @kundaltw.official 通路:蝦皮 KUNDAL台灣官方旗艦店、台灣 Coupang 你們都用什麼洗護髮產品呢? 歡迎留言跟我分享~~ #KUNDAL受損修護系列 #染燙髮護髮 #14天有效柔順見效 #KUNDAL #昆黛爾 #洗髮 #洗髮精 #洗髮乳 #洗髮推薦 #洗髮護髮 #11月POPO生活碎片

發布於 2023-11-07,更新於 2023-11-07