
Netflix新劇《艾蜜莉在巴黎Emily In Paris》第三季一開播就衝上熱門觀看第二名,足以見證其高人氣!而劇中除了欣賞莉莉柯林斯Lily Collins宛如時裝秀的華麗服裝外,當中的台詞其實也發人深省,以下編輯也整理出10大智慧語錄,獻給每一位在愛情和人生中迷惘的男女們~ ⭐️1.Not choosing is still a choice. 不選擇也是選擇。 ⭐️2.I didn't realize what I had until I lost it. 直到失去我才發現自己擁有什麼。 ⭐️3.Ego can often get the best of a person. 自大可以控制一個人。 ⭐️4.The most useful people to keep around are the ones you're threatened by. 留在身邊最有用的人,同時也會是讓你備感威脅的人。 ⭐️5.We should be enjoy ourselves every second we can.Life is short. 人生苦短,我們應該享受擁有的每一秒。 ⭐️6.Relationships are complicated.Intense passion makes people do crazy things. 戀愛很複雜。強烈的激情讓人做出瘋狂之舉。 ⭐️7.Only the two people involved know what they are to each other. 只有陷入戀愛的雙方知道他們對彼此意味著什麼。 ⭐️8.What's the use of crying ? You'll find that life is still worthwhile.If you just smile. 哭有什麼用?你會發現人生依然值得,如果你微笑。 ⭐️9.Step back to jump better. 退步才能向前。 ⭐️10.Are we really here to just love one person? 我們此生只是來愛一個人的嗎? (Source/劇照Netflix提供) ❤️喜歡可以存起來📌或分享給朋友 👉🏻POPO熱話題給妳最新流行話題 #Netflix #EmilyInParis #艾蜜莉在巴黎 #艾蜜莉在巴黎3 #語錄 #金句 #莉莉柯林斯 #LilyCollins #1月新春特輯 #兔DO新生活 #POPO筆記 #POPO

發布於 2022-12-26,更新於 2023-01-20
