
📍台北 | 柯基燒

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 5/5 environment: 外帶 (takeout) — 🍵抹茶控必吃📢! 小山園厚抹茶生乳盒子裡的抹茶慕斯就是我們喜歡的味道,濃郁又帶點抹茶的苦 😋 白玉和蛋糕體也都很好吃~ 希望有機會回購 😊 🍃 we’re huge matcha lovers and this cake box was absolutely delicious. the matcha mousse was smooth and on the bitter side, but that’s what we prefer 😋 the shiratama and sponge cake complemented the mousse both in flavour and texture. would definitely buy again! 🍵 小山園厚抹茶生乳盒子 (大盒) / koyamaen matcha cake box / NT420 ⏰ hours mon-sun: 12:00-20:00 🗺 address 大安區新生南路三段76巷5號 🚇 台電大樓站2號出口 #POPO帶你吃好料 #美食 #台北美食 #抹茶控必吃 #抹茶控

發布於 2022-03-22,更新於 2023-04-25