
📍台北 MF LIFE | 中山站美食

📍台北 | MF LIFE taste: 🤤🤤🤤😶😶 3/5 environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟◾️ 4/5 — 🍋 雖然檸檬雞菲力早午餐裡的雲朵蛋跟香酥起司法式吐司都還不錯,但檸檬雞菲力一般般的。他們的荷蘭小鬆餅系列一個比另一個可愛,也蠻好吃的😋~ 店內的裝潢擺飾蠻特別的,適合喝下午茶,拍拍照 📸 🥞 the grilled lemon chicken brunch was nothing to write home about. while both the french toast with cheese and ☁️ egg were decent, the grilled chicken was uninspiring. the poffertjes are really cute definitely worth trying though! the interior was also unique and had some interesting table and chair patterns. 🐔 檸檬雞菲力早午餐 / grilled lemon chicken brunch / NT330 🍋 法式檸檬蛋黃小鬆餅 / poffertjes with french style lemon / NT160 ⏰ hours mon-sun: 11:00-19:00 🗺 address 中山北路二段20巷15號1樓 🚇 中山站4號出口 (我們是2021年初到訪用餐的喔) #POPO帶你吃好料 #美食 #台北美食 #中山美食 #中山區美食 #早午餐 #台北早午餐

發布於 2022-03-01,更新於 2023-01-25