
📍溫哥華 Kosoo Robson

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤😶 4/5 environment: 🌟🌟🌟✨◾️ 3.5/5 — we’re always down for some korean fried chicken! we ordered half-sized boneless soy garlic and supreme. the chicken was fried perfectly tender in both. while the soy garlic could be more heavy-handed with the garlic, it was still delicious. the supreme fried chicken was both sweet and savoury although it had a bit too much sauce for our taste. the fried tteokboki in both were crunchy but hard to chew on. the kimchi pancake was the star of the meal! the pancake was fragrant and the sides were super crispy. while the food was great, there were some persistent gnats that kept visiting our food (other tables didn’t seem to have the same problem but due to social distancing measures, we didn’t want to cause trouble by switching seats) 我們來吃最愛的韓式炸雞,點了兩種口味。蒜味的對我們來說有點淡,但還是滿好吃的。另一種叫supreme,甜甜鹹鹹的,但醬太多了。他們的雞肉都很嫩,口感很好。我們還點了他們的辣炒年糕,脆脆的但有點難嚼。我們覺得最推薦的是他們的泡菜煎餅!又香又脆讓我們流連忘返。食物雖然好吃,但我們這桌不知道為什麼在吃的時候很多果蠅,有點影響到食慾😅 #POPO帶你吃好料 #美食 #溫哥華

發布於 2022-01-31,更新於 2022-10-11