
📍台北 Orchid 蘭

taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 5/5 environment: takeout / 外帶 — really enjoyed the collab menu! the char siu was great, not too oily, unlike many typical char siu. the flavour found the perfect middle-ground between sweet and savoury and had just the right density. the runny egg was a perfect complement to the meat! the baked pork chop rice is perfect for tomato lovers! while the pork chop in this dish had more fatty parts, the sweet-sourness of the tomatoes offsets the greasiness. as a whole, this was pretty yummy! absolutely loved the spicy noodles! great cuts of beef with both fatty and lean parts. although it was a bit oily, it was also spicy and tasted great. the egg cake was also very yummy, tastes just like the ones in-store. the custard was sweet and had hints of lemon! 他們的黑叉燒黯然銷魂飯真的很銷魂🤪叉燒油而不膩,軟嫩的口感再搭配鹹甜的醬汁。叉燒可以跟附加的太陽蛋一起享用,整體的搭配獨特又好吃! 喜歡番茄的人必點的一道- 老香港焗烤豬排飯 !又酸又甜的番茄與豬肉的油脂相抵,讓整道菜更加平衡。 我們超級愛魔鬼辣拌麵! 😈 牛肉肉質軟嫩,肥瘦適中。雖然有點油,但調味跟辣度都很合我們的胃口! 最後是他們送的雞蛋糕。裡面的卡仕達醬甜甜的,帶有淡淡的檸檬香~ #POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #美食

發布於 2022-01-31,更新於 2022-10-11