📍台北 Paper & Tea 柏林選茶|採光超好的咖啡店
📍台北 Paper & Tea 柏林選茶
taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤😶 4/5
environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 5/5
a collaboration between @paperandteatw @cantinemarais and @store_marais with great food and atmosphere. the buttered cauliflower in the croquette worked super well with the thick sliced bacon while the extensive tea menu made it so difficult to choose just one drink 😶 the cafe is spacious and busy but the customers aren’t loud! a nice place to start your weekend with. the staff is also quite friendly!
柏林茶館是一間茶館,餐廳和家居裝飾品牌合作的餐廳。食物很好吃環境也很舒服。花椰菜可樂餅的搭配非常合適也很好吃。茶的種類也超多的,有選擇困難症的我們非常難選😂。 咖啡廳很寬敞,雖然很多人但大家大家都很自覺的小聲講話。是一個很適合休息,過上愜意的下午的地方。服務品質也非常好!
🥓 thick sliced bacon with cauliflower croquette / 厚切培根花椰菜可樂餅 / NT 280
🥗 smoked salmon salad / 燻鮭魚沙拉
🌹 n° 701 sacred emily / 玫瑰紅綠冷泡茶 / NT 180
note: for an additional NT 190 you can get a salad and tea of your choice
備註: 餐點+ NT 190 有沙拉和NT 180 以下的茶 (可補差價)
#POPO帶你吃好料 #台北美食 #美食 #早午餐 #中山美食 #中山下午茶 #中山
發布於 2021-12-01,更新於 2022-10-11