📍新北 二鬼拉麵|耶誕城推薦
taste: 🤤🤤🤤🤤😶 4/5
environment: 🌟🌟🌟🌟▪️ 4/5
🌶 麻辣雪花牛拉麵 / NT165 /火紅的湯汁加上生辣椒,是一看就知道辣的拉麵🥵。
ma la beef ramen: with a fiery red soup and topped with fresh chilli this ramen is obviously spicy. however after taking a few bites, the ramen turned out to be ma la (although it wasn’t very ma la either)
🍜 大蔥牛骨(豬肉/牛肉)拉麵 / NT135 / 不吃辣的可以嘗試這款麵! 他的湯汁很濃郁,肉質鮮嫩,算是在店裡面比較清淡的麵。
spring onion beef broth ramen: if you don’t eat spicy food, this is your dish! this ramen has both pork and beef and while the broth is heavy, this is one of the lighter dishes from oni noodles
🐽 沙茶米血糕 / NT45 /米血糕非常Q! 經典的花生跟香菜作為搭配,只是口味偏清淡建議沾滿醬汁😅
sha cha pig blood cake: a classic combination of pig blood cake with peanut powder and cilantro. make sure you coat the chewy pig blood cake with plenty of sha cha sauce for optimum flavour!#POPO帶你吃好料 #food吃貨 #板橋美食 #美食 #在地人私藏道地小吃
發布於 2021-10-31,更新於 2022-10-11