
📍台北 Fiszzi | 中山區氣泡手搖飲

taste: 🤤🤤🤤😶😶 3/5 environment: N/A — mojito with a passionfruit spin. the mint was fragrant which helped you offset the sweetness of the syrup. make sure you stir well before drinking! this is a drink that is most suitable for hot weather so try it before it gets cold 🥶 這是百香果口味的mojito非常有夏天的風味!店家使用薄荷的香味,讓整杯飲料不會那麼膩。記得在天冷前去試試!然後喝之前要攪拌均勻喔! #台北美食 #必喝 #POPO帶你吃好料 #手搖杯 #吃貨

發布於 2021-10-08,更新於 2022-10-11